Wednesday, December 11, 2013

YEARBOOK 2013-2014

It's almost 3 years for me in Junior High School. My school did a photoshoot for yearbook. This yearbook made for every grade 9 students in my school , SMPK 6 Penabur Jakarta. The purpose of making this yearbook is to help us remember our friends because, of course later we will be separate in diffrent place.

In this yearbook, all of the students wear they own dresscode. Every class have their own theme. Our school theme this year for yearbook is movie. For 9A, the theme is drama, 9B is Fantasy, 9C is Comedy, 9D is Action. I got the comedy movie theme because i'm a part of 9C. 

At first i was really shocked because i think i must wear a silly clown costume. It's seems crazy. But after the yearbook crew told us what should we wear, i  felt satisfied. 
Every girls in my class wear their own beauty dresscode , some ofus also did a make up. My friend called elsa has done a great make up for me. I liked it because it isn't hard make up.

Where i bought my ootd ?
-studded blazer from itc mangga dua-
-white shirt from connexion-
-Red skirt from itc mangga dua-
-studded black heels from berjaya times square,malaysia-


Well, it's been 3 years since my piano teacher post a tutorial of me while i'm playing piano in youtube. I had surprised because when i search for that video , my viewers become 22,516 viewers. I feel so excited and very shock. 
click this for the video.
I was thought can i be a youtuber ? but even if i can, i still think that i don't have enough time to do that. Being a youtuber is fun , i think. You can be famous and become people's inspiration. It's a great job.You can help people through your video and can be subscribe. If i'm a youtuber, i will share video about fashion and music (with singing) tutorial. I love to sing because it's also one of my hobby. I often told to sing in school event and also join a singing competition. I don't think that i'm fashionable , i just do a fashion :D
I wish i can arrange my daily time to improve my hobby. 

Through a Greetings Card

                                                                       Hi, Guys ! This is a short movie which is made by me and my friends, Stevany and Sylviana. This movie is about "what is the meaning of frienship ?" . However, we're all have a friend right ? So, don't lose your chance to make the greatest thing for your friend. Every little things you do is always meaningful for you friend.           
"Love your friend, care to them is always the best opportunity to you to make the greatest thing friendship needs."
Stay watching this short movie, wish you like it !
You can learn how to make the most beautiful friendship