Sunday, November 27, 2016


Chill and chat are two things that everyone's favorite things. Well, today i'll recommend you guys to a artspace and bistro named DIALOGUE. This name isn't seems strange in your ear, right? 
This ethos is reflected in their name, translated in local Betawi language as ‘He/She – You – Me’, and in their logogram, which can be interpreted as individuals of many different character, age and personalities. 

Variety of merchandises by home-grown talents are displayed for sale at Dia.lo.gue shop. Some products are limited and uniquely designed which are not easily found. Dia.lo.gue has finally opened its light and airy cafe/restaurant at the rear of their gallery, and their small shop at the front sells a limited but gorgeous range of unique and funky wares from local artists and designers.
This photo spot is the most mainstream spot that you often see in instagram.

Outside the building where the stairs are located, there is a nice backyard. This backyard also a nice spot to take picture. Beside Dialogue has an artsy building, its also serve not-so-expensive food. Umm, for the taste i think it will be better if you try Indonesian food there beside the western one.
I tried 2 kinds of menu there. The first one is western which is displayed above this post and the other one is Indonesian fried rice. I didn't eat a lot because I had already eat before i came there. I thought dialogue is just an artspace and i didn't know dialogue also a restaurant. 

Let's Get Lost

Tebing Keraton is one of a beautiful place in Bandung that we often heard. Either the teenager or the elders must have known it.
Tebing Keraton well known early in 2015. Located in Juanda Forest Park. It presents an amazing view, especially when the sun rises.  The access has been enlarged, but when you arrived, you need to park your car and going up to the entrance by using Ojek or on foot. They are the local people who provide transport services by using a Motorcycle. Open starts from 5 AM until 6 PM, with sunrise at 5.30 AM so you have to stand by around 5.15 AM and for the Sunset you have to get ready at 5 PM.

Sunday, August 7, 2016


It's definitely not just an "ootd" post. Today i will tell my story about what did i do last summer holiday. Well, beside celebrated my sweet 17 birthday, i also went to bandung-lembang and also puncak to took a short trip with my lovely family.
To be honest, there was a lot of things i did on my holiday time. Yup, one of them is this trip. 

 It took like 5 or 6 hours to reach bandung. WHY? of course because of the traffic jam. To reach bandung, ppl usually only took about 2 or 3 hours from jakarta. The traffic made me felt so freakin bored. But then after we arrived there our 5 hours was paid off.   


We found some of interesting place which really suitable for us to take a fresh air. First, we went to Dusun Bambu. Actually, idk why it's look different from everyone's instagram picture with my own eye sight. It's a nice place but i didn't feel really satisfied with the service at the restaurant named Sarang burung Lutung Kasarung. The service that day was slow, maybe because the situation was crowded too. Next, we searched for a ronde jahe then we found a famous ronde jahe store in Sudirman Street. Sudirman Street is like a heaven of foods and drinks. 
(Top : H&M//Boyfriend jeans: haul//Shoes: birthday's gift//Bag: charles n keith)

You can find a lot and a lot of delicious bandung foods there. OH, for sure it's look like in PIK. Hmm, i guess i won't talk too much here because i will upload my bandung trip video sooner. Yup! don't forget to stay tune lovely ppl.

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Flowers Blossoms

Flowers are love's truest language.

I've just enter my legal year lol on last friday 17th JUNE. YEAP ! I'm currently on the age of 17. Well, luckyly the party was over and ran well. I'll post some pictures about my party sooner.

(hat: @yuanclothing// jumpsuit: lolly's secret// bag: tocco toscano)

For your information, this is just an outfit idea for you guys. This outfit seems suitable for you who wants to go out with your friend for an ocassion and it's also suit for you who wants to take a get away to the beach. But just change the heels into a cute sandals if you want to wear this to the beach.

Oh ya, for those who are asking me and curious about where these pictures was taken. It was taken at Central Park Mall. LOL 
It's seems different because when i took this picture. They were preparing for the bazaar's booth. The theme for the booth is look like beach's ocassion.

veren valencia

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Chill out with my ladies (ft lookboook)

 Hello gorgeous ppl ! Now, i'm back with english (language) review. To be honest, with my last 3 posts i was using bahasa Indonesia because i have a school assignment that only allowed student to use bahasa Indonesia and so did i. Well, today review is going to be my day which i spent with my best friend.

ps: sylvi felt so happy while eating the smores lolol
Early in the morning, that day i went to a coffee shop and cafe in North Jakarta named Viverri Coffee. They don't only serve coffee but also main course food such as spaghetti, early breakfast set, etc. For the snack, they serve smores, nachos, chicken wing, and many more. Viverri located in Muara Karang Raya Utara No.16. If you want to know about them just look at their website or just view their instagram @viverricoffee . Oh ya, i almost forget to tell you. I swear you will take a photo their because the mainstream white wall is really dope.
After i has already finished my food, one of my friend melissa drove us to hype pik.
But, we didn't spend a lot of time there. We were just stopped to eat there. 
There's a big school opposite hype named Tzu Chi which has a incredible beautiful architecture.
And of course i didn't miss my opportunity to do a photoshot with my bestie.
(top: tutu// jeans: pv// bag: vnc// wedges: symbolize)

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Short get away to Puncak + Endorsement

Saat liburan menjelang Paska, aku dan keluargaku pergi ke Puncak untuk menginap satu hari. Tentunya untuk melepas penat dan mencari suasana baru. Kami menganggap bahwa Jakarta kini sudah sangat berpolusi dan tidak segar jadi kami putuskan untuk berlibur ke Puncak untuk satu malam. 
Kami berangkat sangat pagi yaitu jam 5 pagi karena kami ingin menghindari kemacetan di jalan tol. Walau kami sudah berangkat sepagi itu, tapi tetap saja kami terjebak macet namun tidak lama. Oleh karena itu, tips bagi kalian yang ingin ke puncak lebih baik kalian berangkat lebih awal lagi. Ya, walaupun capek namun suasana pagi di Puncak dapat membayar itu semua. Sesampai disana kami langsung makan di Amen restaurant yang terletak dekat dengan Kampung Brasco.Setelah itu, di puncak kami juga mengunjungi beberapa FO (Factory Outlet). Salah satu yang terbaru adalah Raja FO. Setauku, di daerah PIK juga ada Raja FO. Jadi mungkin Raja FO ini merupakan cabang dari Raja FO yang di PIK. Kami berbelanja beberapa pakaian disana. Kami juga mencoba satu restoran baru yang terletak di lantai paling atas Raja FO yaitu Roof Park. Roof park ini menyajikan minuman-minuman seperti kopi, milkshake, dll. Harga dan rasa dari makanan dan minuman disini cukup sesuai. Di puncak juga aku meluangkan waktuku untuk mengambil foto untuk foto endorsement yang bisa kalian lihat di bawah.

Endorsement dari  (ig : @uniquestuff_store).
Uniquestuff_store menjual bermacam macam case hp impor. Jadi untuk kalian yang sedang mencari case hp yang lucu, tentunya kalian bisa segera contact ke instagram mereka ya.

Review Wrap n roll - bahasa Indonesia

Wrap n roll merupakan salah satu restoran baru yang berlokasi di Pantai Indah Kapuk. Letaknya tidak jauh dari Tzu Chi PIK. Kira-kira beberapa hari setelah aku pergi ke Grand Indonesia, aku dan dua temanku, Sylvi dan Melissa pergi ke Wrap n roll. Kami pergi kesana di saat anak kelas 12 sedang dalam Ujian Nasional. Berhubung kami kelas 11 jadi kami diliburkan. Oleh karena itu, kami memutuskan untuk pergi kesana karena kami juga mendengar kabar interior restoran ini sangat lucu dan menarik dimana restoran ini di desain seperti bus.

Restoran ini menggunakan sistem pelayanan self service dimana kita memesan makanan di counter dan juga membersihkan sisa makanan kita sendiri.
Karena itu, restoran ini pun tampak bersih. Warna pink, kuning dan biru sangat dominan di sekitar dinding dan langit-langit restoran ini sehingga sangat indah bila berfoto di dalam restoran ini.
Foto yang kami ambil pun sangat banyak dan nyaris membuat memori kameraku tak cukup untuk menyimpan semua foto yang kami ambil.
Makanan disini kurang lebih berkisar sekitar 40-50 ribu rupiah dan untuk minuman sekitar 30-35 ribu rupiah. Jadi, bagi kalian yang suka kuliner sambil berfoto-foto narsis disini adalah salah satu tempat yang cocok untuk kalian kunjungi.

Review Publik Markette - Bahasa Indonesia

Halo teman-teman ! Jadi, kali ini aku ingin mengulas (review) tentang sebuah restoran bernama Publik Markette. Hari ini aku akan menggunakan bahasa Indonesia tidak seperti biasanya agar kalian semua tidak bosan :) karena kan biasanya aku menggunakan bahasa Inggris. 
Jadi, sebulan yang lalu tepatnya tanggal 11 April . Aku dan dua orang temanku mengadakan janji untuk makan di Publik Markette. Kita mengadakan pertemuan ini karena sudah lama tidak bertemu dengan salah satu temanku, Averin. Kami memang beda sekolah, jadi kita pun jarang bertemu namun pertemanan kita tetap akrab dari SD sampai sekarang. Oleh karena itu, karena ada kesempatan bertemu di saat liburan sekolah jadi kita berjanji untuk bertemu. Publik Markette ini terletak di dalam Grand Indonesia.  
Menurutku, Publik Markette termasuk salah satu restoran dengan  interior minimalis namun terkesan mewah. Itu juga menjadi salah satu alasan kami ingin datang kesini. Karena salah satu tujuan kami adalah mendapatkan foto bersama yang hasilnya juga tak mengecewakan. Selain interior yang indah, makanan disitu pun tergolong cukup enak dan cocok untuk mulut orang Indonesia. Makanan disana pun bervaratif. Disini, pengunjung dapat menggunakan dua pelayanan. Pertama adalah pelayanan pemesanan seperti biasa dimana pelayan datang dan menanyakan apa yang akan kita pesan dan yang kedua adalah pelayanan seperti di restoran fast food yang biasanya kita sebut self service. Namun self service ini hanya untuk pemesanan beberapa jenis makanan dan minuman. Foto burger di atas adalah salah satu makanan dari yang kita pesan. Untuk harga, harganya cukup mahal namun sesuai dengan rasa dan porsi yang dihidangkan.

Di atas adalah beberapa foto yang kita ambil disana. Sebenarnya, foto yang kita ambil cukup banyak namun yang aku tampilkan hanya beberapa saja.

Setelah makan di Publik Markette, kita juga melakukan short photoshoot di depan gedung mall dan dilanjutkan dengan mencoba makanan lainnya yaitu ice cream di Shirokuma Grand Indonesia.